Sunday, December 20, 2015

Art Angels Review

Grimes comes back with Art Angels, a more commercialized album. I have always liked Grimes and her first album, Visions could not have been better. Needless to say I was extremely excited for Grimes new material. I must say when she first released "Go" I was a little surprised and slightly disappointed. It was as if she had done a 180 in her style and production. I just thought, "well, it is Grimes, anything that might be expected can  result in an unexpected...trip."

But Art Angels is not like Visions; it is not like Go. If we look at the album as a whole it is a little bit of a hot mess. There are many good songs that are not well synthesized into a good album.

My favorite song is Realiti. It is probably the best song in the album. It has some 90's pop and house influence which is nothing but catchy. I also like Flesh Without Blood (with uniquely weird and irrelevant title), it is a great song. I don't know if I like it so much because of its resemblance to Belanova, a mexican pop band and my favorite teenager pop band--but that doesn't matter definitely one of the highlights of the album. 

Watch Realiti video below (not the same version as the album):

I have a love and hate relationship for California. While it makes me want to dance, square dance and clap my hands, I'm also thinking about how terrible those high pitched notes are.

Other honorably mentioned songs: Scream, Kill V. Main, Venus fly (although lyrics are a little bit stupid). I have to say lyrically, the only flawless lyricist is Marina Diamandis, what a brilliant human being.

Because it lacks synthesis and cohesiveness, Art Angels is only B- album for me.

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