Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Hunting Hitler

All of my shows were on break and there was nothing to watch--I have never been the type of person to like history or go out of my way to watch documentaries. Needless to say I have always thought that the history channel is completely boring. However, the title of the show seemed interesting so one day while I was searching for shows to watch while I ate lunch, I decided to click on the link and watch it. 

I was hooked right from the start the premise of the show is interesting, did Hitler escaped and faked his own death? The show tries to investigate Hitler's supposed whereabouts after WWII ended using released FBI files. I have always taken the idea of Hitler dying during the war for granted and I now find myself wondering what other things 'they' have lied to us about. It is written on history books Hitler died of a self-inflicted wound--as I watch more of this show I am really doubting all the textbooks, European/world history and the credibility of history overall! 

I highly recommend watching this show it is great, it keeps me on edge trying to piece all the evidence together. I only wish I could watch the whole investigation all at once! 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Why Marina and The Diamonds is Flawless

A few days after the Paris attacks, I was listening to music on shuffle and Marina's Savages came on. And I was like "so relevant, such a great song" and so I kept it on repeat for several hours then, tweeted about how amazing Marina is.

Murder lives forever
And so does war
It's survival of the fittest
Rich against the poor
At the end of the day
It's a human trait
Hidden deep down inside of our DNA
One man can build a bomb
Another run a race
To save somebody's life
And have it blow up in his face
I'm not the only one who
Finds it hard to understand
I'm not afraid of God
I am afraid of Man"

Listen to Savages below:

It is really not a secret that I love Marina Diamandis. I don't think there is a song I do not like. She is a brilliant, beautiful soul. In this post  I am attempting to come up with reasons why Marina Diamandis is flawless.

  1. She's beautiful. cares about humanity
  2. She's funny.
  3. She writes great songs
  4. She's very intelligent
  5. She likes vodka
  6. She dresses well, such a fucking lady!
  7. She has a good heart
  8. She's creative
  9. She has been cute since she was little
  10. She cares about her fans 
  11. She embraces darkness and light 
  12. She's real

Art Angels Review

Grimes comes back with Art Angels, a more commercialized album. I have always liked Grimes and her first album, Visions could not have been better. Needless to say I was extremely excited for Grimes new material. I must say when she first released "Go" I was a little surprised and slightly disappointed. It was as if she had done a 180 in her style and production. I just thought, "well, it is Grimes, anything that might be expected can  result in an unexpected...trip."

But Art Angels is not like Visions; it is not like Go. If we look at the album as a whole it is a little bit of a hot mess. There are many good songs that are not well synthesized into a good album.

My favorite song is Realiti. It is probably the best song in the album. It has some 90's pop and house influence which is nothing but catchy. I also like Flesh Without Blood (with uniquely weird and irrelevant title), it is a great song. I don't know if I like it so much because of its resemblance to Belanova, a mexican pop band and my favorite teenager pop band--but that doesn't matter definitely one of the highlights of the album. 

Watch Realiti video below (not the same version as the album):

I have a love and hate relationship for California. While it makes me want to dance, square dance and clap my hands, I'm also thinking about how terrible those high pitched notes are.

Other honorably mentioned songs: Scream, Kill V. Main, Venus fly (although lyrics are a little bit stupid). I have to say lyrically, the only flawless lyricist is Marina Diamandis, what a brilliant human being.

Because it lacks synthesis and cohesiveness, Art Angels is only B- album for me.